Company Profile
Michael Youssoufian Ltd. was founded in Hong Kong in 1997 by Michael Youssoufian who comes from a very long family line of jewelers. At each generation the family has been at the center point of the jewellery business. It has survived world wars, economic downturns, political revolutions and is now running into its 5th generation.
The mentor of the family “Joseph Youssoufian” was Appointed Jewelers to the Royal Court of Egypt from the 1920’s to 1950’s in Alexandria. Multi-cultural, Michael Youssoufian of Armenian and British origin with a bit of Italian and Greek on the side was brought up in 3 different major parts of the world…. Alexandria, London and Geneva.
Michael Youssoufian finished his studies in Geneva at The High School of Fine Art’s and took his Masters in Jewellery. After receiving his diploma he joined a team of young adventurers whom worked for the famous Swiss Brands we know today on prototype watches.
He later joined his father who holds a shop in Geneva where for a numbers of years he acquired as an avid knowledge of Antique & Vintage Jewellery.
1985 was his first visit to China, invited to join a Swiss Delegation exhibiting in Shanghai…there a whole new world opened before him…from that day he knew that here would be the place to be. He established himself in Hong Kong and from there on built up his passion of creating artistic jewellery with a twist from past and present experiences. His avid eye never stops his passion of the Arts in any kind or form.
youssoufian尤氏家族的尊貴珠寶設計及精密的制作,始于其曾祖父Boghos youssoufian, 迄今延展至第五代近百年的歷史。祖父約瑟夫、尤曾榮為埃及皇室御用珠寶設計師和鑒賞師,并先後服務于國王福阿德一世和埃及未代國王法魯克。1952年,國王法魯克被迫退位,1956年,尤氏家族于埃及亚歴山大城的店鋪被新政府沒收充公。1962年邁克爾、尤的父親 哎彿、尤在英國倫敦重整旗鼓,成功再度建立家族事業。哎彿、尤目前身在瑞士照顧日內瓦專店,為歐洲顯赫貴族人士服務。邁克爾、尤和夫人施曉江紅、尤則作為家族事業的掌舵人服務于亞洲及世界各地。
第四代的掌舵人邁克爾和夫人施曉江紅、尤將他們多年的設計和技術精萃引進香港,同時他們經常往來于世界各地收集最稀有的寶石珍品。作為專業的珠寶商家,尤氏夫婦總是以誠信為重。本着繼承傳統、不斷創新的原則,一定能為您提供更高水准的服務,并保証每款創作都是 尤氏夫婦一生涇驗的結晶和賣家的珍愛。現在邁克爾和 夫人施曉紅、尤還有女兒 思思、尤 伊莎貝爾、尤一起在亞洲發展,基地設于香港,同時、在歐洲日內瓦和倫敦都有分店,可以方便地為您在世界各地提供優質的服務。